Our Tanning Beds: Three Levels to Meet Your Needs

At Bronze Tan, we offer three levels of the very best tanning beds. No matter what kind of tan you are looking for, we have the right tanning bed to meet your needs.

Level 1

If this is your first visit to a tanning bed, you may choose to start with a level 1 bed. These are basic tanning beds that offer lower-pressure bulbs. They are also a good choice for infrequent users and those looking to establish a “base tan” before going on vacation. Tanning sessions in level 1 beds usually cost less, so they are ideal for tanners on a fixed budget.

A significant drawback to level 1 beds is that they produce higher levels of UVB rays which are responsible for causing sunburn. Also, they require more extended sessions of around 15 minutes.

We offer two different level 1 beds. The KBL 3500 offers easy access due to its spring-lift canopy. It also features a body fan that the user controls. The Flair Superpower has an adjustable full-body fan.

Both these beds have a maximum session time of 15 minutes, 32 turbo-powered body lamps, and three 400-watt adjustable facial tanners.

Level 2

Level 2 beds use the same type of low-pressure bulbs, but they contain more bulbs, so the tanning session is shorter. We offer two different level 2 beds, the KBL 5600 and the Advantage 400. Both feature 12-minute maximum sessions, 48 turbo-powered body lamps, four 500-watt adjustable facial tanners, and full body ventilation.

Level 3

Level 3 beds use high-pressure bulbs. These bulbs produce lower amounts of UVB rays and higher amounts of UVA rays. UVA rays are responsible for bronzing the skin. Therefore, level 3 beds will give you a faster and longer-lasting tan. Tanning sessions in level 3 beds are shorter. They are also more expensive. These beds are best for experienced tanners.

We have two different level 3 beds. The Open Sun 1050 features a 12-minute maximum tanning time, 30 ultra-performance high-pressure bulbs, and face ventilation. The Sol-Tron has a 12-minute maximum tanning time, 52 turbo-powered body lamps, and four 600-watt adjustable facial tanners.

For more information about our tanning beds, contact us.

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